G D Goenka Kanpur
Holistic Development Introduction

Holistic Development

G.D. Goenka Public School, Kanpur is one of the few schools in the country which has a structured holistic curriculum incorporating all areas of growth essential for children. The overall development of children is the core focus of all activities at the school. Following are the areas we concentrate on:

  • Intellectual and Cognitive Development
  • Social Development
  • Aesthetic Development
  • Cultural Development

The basic goal of the holistic development curriculum is to:

  • Introduce the child to education beyond the classroom through Indoor Sports, Outdoor Sports, Performing Art Activities and Team Work
  • Expose the child to varied activities facilitating the development of kinesthetic and spatial skills
  • Identify the inherent capability of the child in selected areas and provide specialized training in those areas
  • Provide a platform for the child to excel in the area of his choice and represent the school in inter-school and state level competitions

We believe that every child comes with his own set of skills, if enhanced can aid him in excelling in those areas in later life.

G.D. Goenka Public School Kanpur, Mainawati Marg, Kanpur - 208017

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