It all started with a dream. A glorious vision to create an ambience conducive to creative learning. An innovative direction towards providing global education with its feet firmly grounded in the Indian soil. A humble endeavor to touch the grandest heights of excellence in education. A school with a difference!
A school that became a trendsetter in facilities and its gamut of opportunities.
The G.D. Goenka Group, is a leading educational setup driven by passion for excellence in education, where Globalization and Internationalization are the buzz words .A galaxy of educational institutions from pre-schools to post graduate institutes, with world class infrastructure, salubrious and well maintained Wi-Fi enabled campuses, well equipped libraries and Hi tech laboratories, dedicated and seasoned academics to support an ideal and conducive environment for providing education that can be benchmarked against the best in the world.
It's a philosophy of treating each child in a sensitive manner and providing appropriate developmental progammes so as to encourage not just learning but also the love of learning. It is also based on providing an environment that is safe, clean, healthy and child-oriented. An environment where classrooms are arranged in a manner that it offers challenging play and learning choices at a range of developmental levels. Activity areas are designed where children are allowed to explore, experience, and most importantly succeed.
Over the years, the schools have established a name for themselves as one of the finest in Delhi and possibly in the whole of India as a trend-setter in providing quality education through the latest in educational aids & equipment and amenities. The school is one of its kinds and proudly boasts of many firsts like the 1st yellow bus, 1st centrally air-conditioned school, 1st to introduce Mineral Water Dispensers and the most hi-tech gym with Life Fitness equipment which was set up in 2000. These facilities, increase efficiency, protect children of tender age from air & noise pollution and the highest standards in hygiene, safety & security.
G.D. Goenka Public School Kanpur, Mainawati Marg, Kanpur - 208017
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